Maine Courses

Dolphin Mini-Golf

Submitted by: Chris Rantz

Price:            4.00
Challenge:        7
Variety:          9
Fun:              10
Overall Value:    10

    Dolphin Mini-Golf is the home of the New England Regional Mini-Golf Championships,and it's no wonder why once you visit.  The course is fairly challenging and rewards precise shots.  There are three very interesting holes that I found on the course -- a hole in the shape of a dolphin, a hole in the shape of a whale, and a hole which requires you to putt into a covered bridge.  Also of note, the owner of the course was once a miniature golf national champion, and when the course is not busy, he will give you personal tips on each hole! Dolphin Mini-Golf is located in Boothbay, ME, right off of State Route 27.  Enjoy!

Steamboat Landing Mini Golf

Submitted by: Richard M. Cebra

Price:            4.00 before 6 pm; 5.00  6pm to 10 pm2.50
Challenge:        8
Variety:          6
Fun:              10
Overall Value:    10

    Great Traditional Mini Golf Course. All of the holes have a "Maine" theme. The whole course is challenging. There is a ski jump hole and one that looks like fort western and one that is a lobster trap, the Maine Turnpike is a favorite, it is a little toll booth and if you get it in the lane with the green light you have a decent 2nd shot. there is also a tepee that is about 6 feet tall and a grist mill that is operated by waterpower and the ball goes through the grist and gets either kicked back or goes toward the hole. It's a great family business, they have snacks and soda and ice cream and the setting is perfect in the woods with great big pine and oak trees and beautiful landscaping flowers.

Location: Route 114  1/4 mile off of the Causeway  in Naples Maine.

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