Tennessee Courses

Hillbilly Golf

Submitted by: William E. Cronin

Price:            6.00
Challenge:        6
Variety:          6
Fun:              8
Overall Value:    8

Placed in the Parkway in Gatlinburg, TN, this course is one of the most unique I have ever seen.  You must ride an incline to get to the courses (One course on either side of the incline).  The course itself is placed on a mountain side and has many interesting tractors and things like that that add that much more appeal to the name.  I love this course.

Location: Gatlinburg, Tennessee. On the Parkway towards Pigeon Forge.

Ripleys Ole MacDonald Farm Mini Golf

Submitted by: Raymond L. Deskins
Web Page: www.ripleys.com

Price:            8.95
Challenge:        5
Variety:          10
Fun:              10
Overall Value:    10

This course is not real challenging but a very well laid out and interactive course. There are 3 18 hole courses in all. Very fun. Awesome landscaping. Definitely a good value

Location: On the parkway in Sevierville, Tennessee

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